Planetary mixer volumetric concrete small
Planetary mixer volumetric concrete small has exported to more than 80 countries and regions suchas Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Oceania with excellent quality.
Leadcrete planetary mixer volumetric concrete small is the best of its kind. From the beginning as an uncompromising basic design, it has been improving for many years, so today’s products contain the small details you expect. The planetary (or countercurrent) design has one or two mixing stars, which rotate around a central point while rotating, allowing each arm to cover the entire mixer floor in a few turns. This powerful mixing action is fast and thorough. For most types of concrete, the mixing time after adding water is 30 seconds or less. The result is higher throughput, more concrete per hour for factories of the same size, better consistency and higher strength, or, on the other hand, saving cement.