High homogeneity planetary concrete mixer
The price of high homogeneity planetary concrete mixer is relatively reasonable, and it has a wide range of applications, such as concrete mixing, refractory mixing, prefabricated slabs, pipe piles, subway pipe sections, water pipes, etc.
Generally, the price of high homogeneity planetary concrete mixer is not high, and some customers mix materials that are corrosive and require stainless steel lining report machines.

At this time, we can manufacture stainless steel machines to replace traditional machines. The attached product is produced by our American customer, and the pH value of the customer’s stirring material is 11.

Such an approach will delay the service life of the high homogeneity planetary concrete mixer, and usually customers have a high evaluation of our high homogeneity planetary concrete mixer manufacturing. There are many machines on the market, but few support customer customization or stainless steel.