Home » Planetary concrete mixer » Concrete mixer 1.5m3
Concrete mixer 1.5m3
The price of Concrete mixer 1.5m3 is relatively reasonable, and there are many applications, such as concrete mixing, refractory mixing, prefabricated slabs, pipe piles, subway pipe sections, water pipes, etc.
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Content 2022-01-29
The price of Concrete mixer 1.5m3 is relatively reasonable, and there are many applications, such as concrete mixing, refractory mixing, prefabricated slabs, pipe piles, subway pipe sections, water pipes, etc.
Concrete mixer 1.5m3 features:
(1) Low energy consumption
(2) High homogenization
(3) Short mixing time
(4) Simple structure, simple and convenient maintenance
(5) The layout is flexible, and 1-3 unloading doors can be selected for different production lines.
(6) Compact structure and small space required
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