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0.75cbm planetary concrete mixer
Usually for 0.75cbm planetary concrete mixer with small mixing volume, if the factory has an air source, we design a pneumatic discharge door.
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500l pan mixer
Content 2022-01-24
Hydraulic discharge doors can also be customized according to customer requirements. If the customer wants to mix the refractory with water during the refractory installation project, we can add water lines in the mixer frame.
In order to recommend the right model of 0.75cbm planetary concrete mixer, we need to know what mixing capacity you need. We have your choice of 50L, 100L, 150L, 250L, 330L, 500L, 750L and 1000L mixing capacity 0.75cbm planetary concrete mixer. Basic engineering materials such as pneumatic discharge doors or hydraulic discharge doors are also required.
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