Small hydromulching for landscaping
2021-04-17 17:43:39
Small hydromulching for landscaping
Small hydromulching for landscaping is a process of mixing seeds, mulch, fertilizers and healthy soil amendments with water, and then mixing them in the water tank of a hydraulic planter to form a thick slurry. This slurry is sprayed on the ground to establish vegetation and the control grass usually starts to grow within 7 days after application, and the new turf will mature within 3-4 weeks. Small hydromulching for landscaping is the most economical and high-quality seeding method, which can be used to beautify the environment and control erosion.

1. Compared with traditional sowing methods, lawn planting speed is faster, because small hydromulching for landscaping can prevent seeds from drying out and make seeds germinate faster and more evenly.
2. Reduce labor and cost, and the cost is more than 50% lower than that of turf.
3. Excellent corrosion control.
4. Compatible with almost all types of grass, mulch or ground cover plants.
5. Ability to apply various slurries. One of the differences between hydrogenated seed slurries is the choice of seeds. You may be interested in one kind of seed used to hit the front lawn, while another kind of seed is interested in the shaded area, you can even use wild flower seeds in areas where it is difficult to mow grass in your yard. Please make sure to take your environment and climate into consideration, as certain seed types will not grow in certain climates. There may be more variations in the hydrogenated seed mixture/slurry, such as different fertilizers or colored dyes (we do not use dyes in our products). In addition to the type of seed, the biggest difference between slurries is the type of mulch.
6. Compared with water mulch or traditional seeds, the amount of water required is less, because the weight of the water mulch can be as high as ten times, and because the seeds are also protected by the moisture sealant, they can germinate and germinate quickly. Improve the survival rate of plants healthily.
7. It can promote a deeper root system, resulting in a healthier and more elastic lawn, thereby avoiding potential transplantation problems, such as shallow root anchoring and shallow roots, which may occur because the turf is not installed correctly according to the conditions in the yard .
Our small hydromulching for landscaping is to beautify the environment. Seeds, fertilizers, hydraulic mulch and water are mixed into a customized mixture according to the unique characteristics of the lawn, which includes factors such as transportation, soil conditions and sunlight.
Properly watered hydroponic lawns can start to grow in less than 7 days. Under normal circumstances, lawns can be built and ready to be mowed in 3-4 weeks! No other grass seeding method has the unique advantages of sowing.
If you are interested in our small hydromulching for landscaping, please contact us freely,