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Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China

Dry mix shotcrete machine for underground mining

2016-03-13 14:04:03

Another set of dry mix shotcrete machine for undergroung mining was sent to our regular customer. In their project, they want their local electric motor installed that’s why the machine is made without electric motor but suit for the seat number of their electric motor. After the machine arrived, they will install their local electric motor.

Dry shotcrete machine for underground mining is required to be installed with high standard electric motor. If the electric motor cannot be offered in China, we can make it as per your requirement and you install the electric motor in local.

More requirements, you are also welcome to contact us and suitable solution will be offered.

dry shotcrete machine for underground mining


dry mix shotcrete machine for underground mining

shotcrete machine for underground mining


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