Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China
N series professional cement mortar plaster spraying machine, cement mortar spraying pump waterproofing painting machine. Due to region diversity, the cement and sand are different. Remark: the max. aggregate size should be less than 3mm. Automatic plastering machine are required only three persons for operation. One person delivers material, one person operates the spraying gun, a third person does the assistant work (for instance: assistant to remove the hose). The whole processes such as water adding, mixing and delivery of the material etc. are implemented by the machine automatically. Compared with the manual operation, it can save manpower, material resources, money and precious time, as well makes the construction quality better and more reliable than the traditional manual operation.
Fields of portable cement plastering machine application, For pump-able mortars, such as: Machine-applicable gypsum plasters, Insulating plasters, Lime-gypsum plasters, Cement render, Lime plasters, Cement-lime render, Masonry mortars, Slot mortars, Reinforcing and bonding mortars, Self-leveling floor screeds, fango materials, and many more. Projects of application rendering of normal mortar, plastering of wire frame structure plates, the grouting of terrace, anti fire and anti corrosive coatings, some high-density coatings, etc. China plastering machine for sale, Welcome to contact.