Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China
Mortar spraying machine is to stir a good cement mortar through the shaker filter; so that the diameter of less than 6mm bone slurry into the sprayer; Pipe to the nozzle; and then by means of compressed air slurry was sprayed evenly and continuously on the construction work surface; Then finish the sprayed working. Cement mortar spraying machine spraying decorative surface with a dense layer of gray, strong binding, high anti-infiltration, material saving and other characteristics of the water absorption of concrete shear wall is more with less, reducing labor intensity and improve labor efficiency; Spray the construction of an average of two centimeters thick walls, calculated according to 8 hours a day can be sprayed 1000 square meters.