Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China
Customized LZ-3E-R refractory gunite machine for DANIELI
2015-11-06 11:32:16
Last month, we customized one new LZ-3E-R refractory gunite machine with WEG electric motor according to. Danieli Metallurgical Equipment’s demands, they are very satisfied with our machine, said it with high cost performance than USA refractory gunite machine.
LZ-3E-R refractory gunite machine is specifically designed for refractory dry-mix shotcrete applications, as well as for concrete shotcrete application. With this LZ-3E-R refractory gunite machine, could get low dust and high performance spraying flow in nozzle.