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Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China

Grouting recorder used for dam grouting

2022-03-28 16:46:28

Grouting recorder used for dam grouting is the first recorder developed by our company in China. The program has been modified for more than 1000 times, which can meet any chemical grouting construction needs. The construction drawings are generated according to the chemical grouting specifications and will be issued soon.

The simple program operation is designed by well-known domestic chemical grouting experts and has been used in many major chemical grouting projects.

chemical grouting recorder for dam grouting

Through the performance test with many domestic grouting recorder manufacturers, L3 chemical grouting recorder has become the only L3 chemical grouting recorder approved for use in the dam.

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